Friday, January 31, 2020

Hats & ornament Essay Example for Free

Hats ornament Essay Hats have been the ornament for the head for a long time. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the first animal skin was placed over a head as a protection against the elements. (Hatsuk. com). In 1529, the word â€Å"milliner† came out as the terms used to point to the maker of women’s hats. The bonnet also dominated as the most popular of women’s headgear (Hatsuk. com). Early in the 1900s most of the hats that were getting to be popular were huge and adorned with flowers, feathers and tulle. Meanwhile, by the mid 1920’s the hair of women became shorter hugging the head like helmet (Hats. Hatsuk. com). During the 1960s, the hat now was overtaken by wigs and hairdressers and both men and women knew that they could achieve a less formal look so that the hat was a temporary casualty (Hats. Hatsuk. com). These old hats can be really valuable as they are considered antique pieces. Yet if anyone would like to wear a hat, then that could also be used today during parties and shows. Audrey Hepburn’s hat can be adapted in several ways today that will still appear to be fashionable. Hepburn was a good model of different kinds of hats then as she was a fashion icon during her time because she had a very simple nature which until now influences one’s fashion choices. Hepburn’s most popular hat pulled to tilt to one side can still be used today as asymmetrical lines are now the â€Å"in† thing. (Audrey Hepburn’s Hat Collection). Charlie Chaplin’s hat is by far the one most popular then but can be used in the more informal gatherings of businessmen. It is most recognizable when it is worn right putting some dignified look to the wearer. The hat must be worn by tall men so that they will not be gleaned as too tall to wear it. Indeed, in wearing hats, one must decide what kind of look is most appropriate. Once the look has been decided on, there is a need to see what kind of hat would actually match that. Wearing hats would also depend on what kind of hat would match a person’s character. The hat can be replaced with an improvised hat that achieves most changes and which is minimal of the classic look. That is right if one wants an alternative look. Meanwhile, a ball cap is way too rugged for a hat for work that would be welcome for a person (How to Pick a Hat that Matches your Personality). Another way of wearing these hats that one would look into is the color. Since each color evokes different moods that the hat conveys. Meanwhile, Audrey Hepburn was a good model of different kinds of hats then as she was a fashion icon during her time because she had a very simple nature which until now influences one’s fashion choices (Audrey Hepburn’s Hat Collection). These hats have been modified in different ways yet can still be used as it appears to be most fashionable. REFERENCES Audrey Hepburn’s Hat Collection. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at: http://www. chinadaily. com. cn/life/2009-02/20/content_7496617. htm Old Hat still in vogue. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at: http://www. brisbanetimes. com. au/news/fashion/old-hat-still-in-vogue/2007/05/30/1180205302606. html Old Hat still in vogue. http://www. brisbanetimes. com. au/news/fashion/old-hat-still-in-vogue/2007/05/30/1180205302606. html Old School Hat Still in Vogue. http://www. talkncafe. com/Lifestyle-Classroom/Old-school-hat-still-in-vogue. html Hats. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at: http://www. answers. com/topic/hat Hats. Hatsuk. com Retrieved March 16, 2009 at: http://www. hatsuk. com/hatsuk/hatsukhtml/bible/history. htm How to Pick a Hat that Matches your Personality. Retrieved March 16, 2009 at: http://www. wikihow. com/Pick-a-Hat-that-Matches-Your-Personality

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